Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome: Recurring and Unexplained Episodes Destroy Teeth
Parents face many concerns when it comes to protecting their children. However, they may not be aware of a particular disorder that is more prevalent in children, cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS).
According to a report in the November/December 2006 issue of General Dentistry, the Academy of General Dentistry`s (AGD) clinical, peer-reviewed journal, CVS is characterized by a number of symptoms, the most evident being recurrent episodes of nausea and vomiting that are not caused by any specific disease and occur between periods of otherwise normal health.
The study`s author, Eric T. Stoopler, DMD, says that the disorder generally lasts between two and six years and, fortunately, it commonly resolves during adolescence. With regard to oral health, CVS affects the mouth and teeth in similar ways to diseases associated with chronic vomiting, such as bulimia, and can cause tooth sensitivity and erosion, cavities, periodontal (gum) disease, dry mouth, salivary gland enlargement and trauma to the oral tissue.
So what can parents do? Dr. Stoopler advises parents to watch for anything unusual and to make sure both the child`s pediatrician and dentist are informed. "If an otherwise healthy child develops chronic episodes of severe nausea and vomiting in conjunction with gastrointestinal, urologic or neurologic symptoms, parents should talk to their pediatrician. If your child`s dentist thinks your child may have CVS, he or she will refer your child to a pediatrician for further evaluation."
What to look for:
• Nausea and/or vomiting not caused by any specific disease
• Extreme tiredness
• Headaches
• Sensitivity to sound or light
• Dizziness
• Ulcers or infections in the mouth
Original content of this reprinted with permission of the Academy of General Dentistry. © Copyright 2007-2009 by the Academy of General Dentistry. All rights reserved. Read the original article here.